Thursday, February 04, 2010

Catching Up..

The Holocaust in the eye of an 8-year-old German boy. The two kids, Bruno and Schmuel, are so cute with acting skills not bad for practically beginners. It's quite heartbreaking, the central theme of this movie, how a kid can view the current events in a wholly different light. I could almost hear the shattering of the kid's mother's heart after realizing that his son is gone..

The Shape of Things, starring the cute and lovely Paul Rudd and the psycho but wonderful Rachel Weisz, made my head hurt. Literally. I feel bad for Paul Rudd's character but I don't know what to feel about Weisz character. I love the almost uninterrupted sequence of most of the film's part, like it was shot continuously (maybe it was, I wouldn't know).

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